
Wein’s Bridge Oscillator Using Op-Amp (IC 741)

Power Supply: Built-in IC regulated power supply +/- 15 V DC

On board Components: Pot Nos. 1, Resistance & Capacitors of different values, Diodes Nos. 2

Circuit/ Symbols printed nicely on the front panel of the Glass Epoxy PCB with 2 mm connecting terminals

Supplied with set of patch chords and instruction manual

Suitable to study the Wein’s Bridge Oscillator using Op-Amp

Optional Accessories: Cathode Ray Oscilloscope / Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Phase Shift Oscillator – Transistorised

Power Supply: Built-in IC regulated power supply + 9 V DC

On board Components: Pot Nos. 1, Resistance & Capacitors of different values

Circuit/ Symbols printed nicely on the front panel of the Kit with connecting terminals

Supplied with set of patch chords and instruction manual

Suitable to study the Phase Shift Oscillator using Transistor

Optional Accessories: Cathode Ray Oscilloscope / Digital Storage Oscilloscope