Advance Op-Amp Trainer & Designer
- Meters: One no. moving coil Voltmeter of 0-20 V & One no moving coil ammeter of 0-50 mA is provided on the trainer.
- Power Supply: + 5V/1A DC Built in Regulated Power Supply , -15V/500mA DC Built in Regulated Power Supply&Two 0-10/500 mA variable unregulated Power Supply .
- IC’s : OP AMP 741, OP AMP 358,OP AMP 356,OP AMP 324
- Zip Socket: One Zip Socket having 20 pin is provided on panel
- Logic Level Generator: Four Logic Level generator are used on the panel
- Junctions: Junction J1 to J8 are provided on panel. All pins of each junction are internally connected
- Resistors: 18 different values
- Potentiometer: 6 different values
- Capacitors: 8 different values
- Diodes: 5 different values
Accessories: 15 nos. of assorted colored connecting patch cords & 15 Hookup wires A well-illustrated and described instruction manual to guide the student in each experiment